2019 年,位于湾区的萨拉托加高中 (SHS) 的一群敬业的高中生成立了一个名为 Aspiring to Create English (ACE) 的学生主导俱乐部。
我们组织的目标是为需要提高英语阅读、写作、听力和口语技能的学生提供机会。在整个学年中,我们将 SHS 的导师与美国以外的学生联系起来,以提高他们的英语水平,同时向他们介绍美国文化和生活方式。 2020 年夏天,我们在全球范围内通过 Zoom 上的英语小组讨论了文化、心理健康和环境意识等话题,这些话题不仅在美国而且在全世界都很流行。
俱乐部的想法源于founder 安东尼·秦 在中国农村省份云南的个人经历,他在 10 天的时间里教贫困学生英语。他亲眼目睹了学生的贫困背景以及教育在帮助他们取得成功方面的作用。回国后,他成立了ACE,希望帮助像云南这样需要经验丰富的英语家教的学生,帮助他们学习通用语言。
当前团队 2022-2023

Grace Liu
Tiffany Sun
Arthur Wang
你好! 我是阿奈斯 (Ana-ees),萨拉托加高中的一名高年级学生。 我从大一开始就担任导师,认识过来自巴勒斯坦、印度和日本的学生。 我目前与来自日本东京的 3 名学生见面。 我也是ACE的法语、中文和西班牙语翻译,以及欧洲辅导分公司的创始人。 作为一名前外展官员,我创建了 30 多个学生导师对。 我希望不断扩大 ACE 的范围,以支持尽可能多的人。 作为主席,我负责监督活动、主持俱乐部范围内的会议和仅限官员的会议,并与国外的学校建立联系。
Hello, I’m Grace, a senior at SHS and ACE’s vice president for the past two years. As the outreach officer sophomore year, I helped launch our Instagram, redesigned our website, and introduced new Chinese students to our organization. As the current vice president, I assist with various club functions, including planning meetings, editing YouTube videos, managing student-tutor pairs, planning club activities (writing workshops, fundraisers, discussion sessions), and facilitating communication between members. I am also ACE’s translator for Chinese and Spanish. For the past four years, I have been meeting with a Japanese student weekly, where we review grammar topics, engage in cultural discussion, and read English books together. Outside of ACE, I enjoy dance, volleyball, art, movies, and learning about the world! If you have any questions about the club, feel free to contact me through my email liug7138@lgsstudent.org.
你好! 我是蒂芙尼,SHS 的二年级学生。 自2022年9月以来,我一直在辅导一名来自中国的学生,每周五晚上见面。 在每周的课程中,我为学生的家庭作业提供支持,主要关注阅读理解。 我们共同努力提高一般发音、对文章的理解,并思考更深入的理解问题。 除了辅导之外,我还喜欢阅读中英文小说以及艺术作品。 我也是双语者,普通话和英语都很流利。
Hi I’m Arthur, a senior at Saratoga High and the treasurer of ACE. I joined ACE during my freshman year, and throughout my time with ACE, I’ve helped plan and execute fundraisers, reach out to schools for collaboration, work on our social media and website, and helped plan and attend many ACE events. As the treasurer, I am committed to organizing many fundraisers to support our club's future resources and PVSA awards. I also aspire for our fundraising efforts to spread the message and mission of ACE, reaching a broader audience and inspiring more people to join and become active members of ACE. Outside of ACE, I enjoy attending concerts, eating food with friends, and playing games. You can contact me through my school email, wana7054@lgsstudent.org or Discord at cowmilk8160. .

Arthur Wang
Kathy Wang
Willis Chung
Hello! I’m Izna, and I am currently a junior attending SHS and this year’s outreach officer for ACE. I joined ACE in my sophomore year to help those interested in learning English; because of the language’s popularity, being in the top three spoken languages in the world, I felt inspired to be a part of a team that taught others something this crucial which could potentially unlock various opportunities in their future. As the 2024/25 outreach officer, I plan to expand ACE internationally into a larger organization that can be easily utilized by anyone looking to develop their English or wanting to become a tutor like I had previously. Furthermore, I aim to achieve certain goals like starting an international chapter in Africa and generating more tutors from nearby schools in the Bay Area. Outside of ACE, I enjoy designing, listening to music, making friends, and vlogging.
你好! 我是 Kathy,萨拉托加高中三年级学生,目前负责 ACE 的外展工作。 去年,我担任 ACE 的秘书,为该秘书撰写并记录俱乐部会议记录。 在 ACE 的过去一年里,我每周六都通过 Line 辅导一名日本高中生。 目前,我计划在 2023-2024 学年辅导两名新学生。 作为 ACE 的外展人员,我的主要目标是组织 ACE 导师与国际学生配对,以增强导师和学生的学习体验。 除了 ACE 之外,我还喜欢跑步、听音乐和看电视节目。
你好呀! 我是威利斯,SHS 的二年级学生。 英语是我的第三语言,我去年加入,希望帮助像我这样的其他孩子提高英语技能。 自2022年9月起,我每周六都会通过Beyond Horizon与一名台湾学生会面。 作为联合外展人员,我负责接触当地的 ESL 项目,并为学生与导师配对。 我还在建立全新的笔友系统和问答平台(即将推出!)。 我期待与您一起度过美好的一年!
萨拉托加猎鹰, 萨拉托加高中的报纸

值得注意的, 萨拉托加高中 2020 年年鉴